Saturday, August 27, 2011

OR/CA Road Trip: Day 2

We made it! Here is a picture of Grandma and Don’s in Brookings OR.
Grandma makes these adorable bird feeders out of stockings. Here is one of her friend’s enjoying breakfast.

Daniel and I went for a walk on the beach.

When we came back, Grandma had made us a wonderful breakfast! She even had homemade jam and fresh blueberries from the garden. What a treat!

Grandma's Yellow House!

Admiring the Myer Lemon tree in the backyard. I love her little green house!Dan and I need to get one of those for our backyard!

Chicks in their nest

Later we watched neighbors go crabbing off the public dock down the road

Then we drove to Fely’s Café for GIANT cheese burgers.

Fely made Dan’s extra huge! I was the size of his plate!

Don washing Fely’s windows…working off his burger. Ha-ha.

We had a wonderful day with Grandma and Don!Later that night we made Toffee Popcorn and looked at camping pictures! 

The next morning we said our goodbyes and headed north to Josh and Megans for Day 3 of our OR/CA Road Trip.

Thank you Nima and Don! We loved visiting with you! Hopefully we will see you soon or for the wedding next year! Until then, we'll be looking forward to phone calls and letters!